Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cemetery Trip

Every now and then the fam and I like to hop in the car and venture around Lexington.  Today we found ourselves at Lexington Cemetery, then across the street at Calvary Cemetery, and finally at Bluegrass Memorial Gardens.  Here are some of my favorite pictures I managed to snap.

I hope you had a beautiful Sunday and I thank you, whoever you are for taking a moment to look at my blog! :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fish Aren't For Everyone

     Once upon a time, I was seven years old.  I wanted a fish.  The thing is, I don't like fish, they are gross.  My mama told me I wouldn't like a fish, and that I would kill it.  But then when I won one at the fair, I was so ecstatic that she just had to let me keep it.  And keep it I did.  For twelve minutes.  When I got home I put the fish in a plastic cup and filled it with water.  But the water was cold, and fish can't wear sweaters- so I decided to warm him up in the microwave.  Poor fish didn't last ten seconds in there.  So he died, and the smell of fish sticks filled the house.  I hate fish sticks. 

*I found this on a sheet of lime green paper stuffed in between two folders in the back of my closet.  I think I wrote it sometime in middle school.  I mean, I think I'm pretty freakin' hilarious. And no it's not a true story.  But yes, I do hate fish sticks.