Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lucille Writes

Last night while going through a box of old things I came across some notes handwritten by my Great Aunt Lucille.  Many of them are poems or small blurbs, some are funny, and almost all of them are pretty darn insightful.  I'm guessing they are things she came across in magazines or the newspaper, but who knows- maybe she wrote some of them herself.  I thought I might share some every now and then. 

This first one was written on Sunday March 22, 1981 and is titled, "Rain." 

Into each life some rain must fall
by poets we are told
That's why they make umbrellas for
the young and for the old
The fact that you are young in years
Is not a certain sign
That you'll escape the heartbreaks or
your world will always rhyme
For God somehow sees to it all that
we all will have our share
And somehow on this road of life
we'll have a cross to bear
Some folks are glad to carry it
they always wear a smile
While others make an awful fuss
and providence defile
So why not learn this simple prayer
And say, "Thy will be done"
Then you'll not need a raincoat when
your rainy seasons come

I say we all try to be the type of people who always wear a smile, because really what bad can come from it?   I thank Lucille for writing this and the others down, and I thank my Great Uncle Jimmy for finding them, taking the time to read them, and passing them over to me.  

And to those who are reading this, as Lucille always says...  "Luli loves ya!"  And Lauren loves you too.  :)