Ten things I would tell you, ETT if I could go back to 2005, the year we first met:
1. All those hours spent watching Grease will soon pay off.
2. Enjoy playing cards while you still can, for in the future the sight of a queen of spades will illicit mouth twitching and extreme pain in the muscles of your arms.
3. Take every opportunity you are given to talk to that lady in office, for her smile will be taken from us entirely too soon.
4. Always pack detangling spray in your dance bag. You never know when those thick locks will become unruly from too much hairspray and endless hours in a bun.
5. Be kind to children; they will flock to you and always return a smile.
6. Remember that sometimes walking away is a lot harder, and braver, than staying put. Change is not always bad.
7. Take a lot of pictures. Good times can never be repeated, but can always be remembered with a smile.
8. Really take a good look at that number on the wall at Regata counting down the days until the Equestrian Games. They will be here and gone before you know it.
9. Your memory is a powerful thing. People will notice that you are one of those gems who actually listens when spoken to. A good friend never has to be told something twice.
10. Be you. Be you, and everyone around you will be encouraged to follow suit. You might just find a friend a little older than you, and a little quieter than you that finds your company the escape she was looking for. Warning: Silliness will ensue.
That blonde girl in your dance class